


Arco del Tiempo -东区

Arco del Tiempo(由休斯顿市提供)

A new environmentally sustainable installation is underway in Houston’s East End Guadalupe Plaza Park, 推动该地区向皇冠HGA010官方下载丰富的未来过渡. 

The 100-foot-tall Arco del Tiempo (Arch of Time) will generate approximately 400,每年发电1000千瓦时, 相当于40个德州家庭的需求量, 附近的city拥有的拉丁多元文化表演艺术剧院, 人才o bilinge de Houston (TBH), 根据休斯顿市最近的数据 Hga010皇冠软件下载.

Arco del Tiempo, 由柏林艺术家兼建筑师里卡多·马里亚诺设计, first submitted the idea of the innovative sculpture in a 2019 design competition hosted by Land Art Generator Initiative (LAGI), 一个致力于通过艺术和设计推进气候解决方案的非营利组织.

“这个独特的艺术品是一个新皇冠HGA010官方下载时代的纪念碑,市长西尔威斯特·特纳在同一份Hga010皇冠软件下载中说. “The City of Houston has always stood at the vanguard of energy innovation and the Arco del Tiempo artwork stands in that tradition, highlighting Houston’s role as an art city and as global leader in the energy transition.”

除了作为可持续皇冠HGA010官方下载之外, Arco del Tiempo offers the East End Segundo barrio neighborhood an interactive experience through its ability to measure time by the geometry of the artwork, 对应休斯顿特定的经纬度. The sculpture casts vibrant beams of sunlight on the ground plane of the park, 展示太阳划过天空的轨迹. 

“The apparent movement of the sun in the sky activates the space with light and colors and engages viewers who participate in the creation of the work by their presence. It is a practical example to illustrate the movement of the earth around the sun in a playful way. Arco del Tiempo merges renewable energy generation with public space and into the everyday life of the Second Ward. 以科学为灵感,以可再生皇冠HGA010官方下载为动力, the artwork is a bridge between art and technology and encourages educational purposes while improving public space. At night the space within the arch will be used as a stage for outdoor public events,里卡多·马里亚诺说.

预计将于2024年安装, Arco del Tiempo will be a significant asset to fostering clean energy in the region and potentially serve as a catalyst for future sustainable public art projects.

“通过它生产的清洁皇冠HGA010官方下载, Arco del Tiempo将偿还其隐含的碳足迹,伊丽莎白·莫尼安说, 大地艺术产生者倡议的创始联合主任. “Beyond its break-even point…the artwork will be a net-positive contributor to a healthy climate and the planet will be better off for its existence.”




拥有庞大的皇冠HGA010官方下载公司投资组合, 健壮的基础设施, 丰富的土地和有利于商业的激励措施, 德州是太阳能的中心, 吸引投资者, 开发商和公司对国家.   In 2023, 德克萨斯州安装了超过6台,500兆瓦的太阳能发电, 领先全国,连续第二年超过加州, according to Houston Chronicle’s analysis of Wood Mackenzie’s annual Solar Market report.   最近一份由美国政府发布的报告显示.S. 皇冠HGA010官方下载 Information Administration (EIA) projects Texas to continue to lead new utility-scale solar capacity this year, 占EIA预期的58%的35%, or 62.8 gigawatts, of new solar capacity in 2024, signaling a record-breaking addition to the grid.   根据太阳能工业协会的说法, 2023年第四季度, 德克萨斯州在太阳能领域的投资超过270亿美元. 作为全球皇冠HGA010官方下载转型的关键参与者, 休斯顿一直处于该州太阳能热潮的前沿, 连续中标大型太阳能项目.  单击展开 The Partnership has played a vital role in securing notable solar energy project victories for the region, 包括艾琳皇冠HGA010官方下载225的成立,000平方英尺的太阳能电池板制造工厂. 年生产能力2台,000兆瓦, 该设施预计将于今年开始运营, 据《Hga010皇冠软件下载》报道.  Other successful projects include SEG Solar’s PV module manufacturing plant in northwest Harris County. The new facility has an anticipated annual capacity of more than two gigawatts with an anticipated opening date of this year.   “SEG is excited to establish a manufacturing base in Texas and is looking forward to serving the U.S. market with more domestic production,” said SEG’s VP and CLO Michael Eden in a Hga010皇冠软件下载. “This facility will help to sustain low carbon, eco centric energy independence in the U.S. 为了子孙后代.”  光源,, 总部位于休斯顿的英国石油公司的子公司, also recently announced that it will develop and operate two new solar farms in Texas, 在完成了3.48亿美元的融资计划后. 的项目, 位于布拉索里亚县和斯塔尔县, 总容量将达到288兆瓦, 哪一个够50个,000个家庭. 这两个项目都计划于今年上线.   单击展开 去年, global energy corporation and Partnership member TotalEnergies began operations at its new solar farm in south Houston. 根据该公司的Hga010皇冠软件下载, 这个380兆瓦的农场被称为默特尔太阳能, 能否产生足够的绿色电力来覆盖70年的皇冠HGA010官方下载消耗,000个家庭.  “This startup is another milestone in achieving our goal to build an integrated and profitable position in Texas, 哪里的ERCOT是主要的电网运营商,文森特·斯托夸特说, 高级副总裁, total energy的可再生皇冠HGA010官方下载.  Additionally, phase two of the Sunnyside Solar Farm is expected to be completed this year. 该项目将把一个240英亩的前垃圾填埋场改造成一个太阳能发电厂, 使其成为全国最大的城市太阳能发电场,建在垃圾填埋场上, 根据休斯顿市的说法.  了解更多关于休斯敦皇冠HGA010官方下载转型倡议.  

Shell, bp Advancing 皇冠HGA010官方下载 Transition Efforts with EV Infrastructure Projects

Two multinational oil and gas giants are expanding their electric vehicle infrastructure in a significant move toward embracing additional energy value chains. 英国石油公司(bp)的电动汽车充电子公司bp Pulse在美国开设了第一家充电中心.S. 该公司皇冠HGA010官方下载走廊总部的电动汽车充电站. 车站, 提供24个高速电动车充电点, is part of bp’s plan to invest $1 billion in EV charging infrastructure by 2030, 目标是到2025年底达到5亿美元. “这个项目将带来快速, 随时随地为电动汽车司机提供可靠的充电服务, 帮助美国更快地采用电动汽车,沙玛说, bp Pulse Americas首席执行官.  英国石油公司在皇冠HGA010官方下载转型方面进行了大量投资. In 2022, bp announced it was buying Archaea 皇冠HGA010官方下载, a renewable natural gas company. 去年, the company received more than $33 million in federal funding for its two commercial-scale carbon storage sites along the Gulf Coast. Shell also plans to grow its public charging network for electric vehicles by divesting “around 500 Shell-owned sites (including joint ventures) a year in 2024 and 2025,2024年皇冠HGA010官方下载转型战略报告称. 报道没有详细说明撤资将发生在哪里.  2023年底, 壳牌有50多个,000个公共电动汽车充电点,计划达到200个,000 by 2030.  近年来,休斯顿改善了其电动汽车基础设施. A recent study by iSeeCars found that Houston improved by more than 30% in infrastructure, 在美国排名前10位.S. 2023年有待改善的城市. 根据Evolve Houston, 这是一家致力于提高电动汽车采用率的非营利组织, 休斯顿有400多个电动汽车充电站. bp and Shell are two of the more than 20 member companies of the Partnership’s Houston 皇冠HGA010官方下载 Transition Initiative’s Steering Committee, which collectively guides HETI’s efforts to leverage Houston’s position as an industry leader to accelerate global solutions for an energy-abundant, 低碳未来. 了解更多关于休斯顿皇冠HGA010官方下载商业环境的信息.




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